One man's move to France with too many animals and an indentity thief
It's 1995 and one man's decision to move to France with one wife, three cats, two horses and a giant puppy has ripped a hole in the space-time continuum. Suddenly, the improbable is now the mundane and the impossible a weekly occurence.
Animals behaving badly, other people's misfortunes and the most bizarre true crime story ever - what more could you want? His identity stolen, his life savings grabbed, a bank account opened in his name in Spain to take the proceeds - he's then abandoned by the police forces of four countries who all insist the crime is someone else's jurisdiction. So he has to solve the crime himself. Which he does. But unlike fictional detectives he has an 80 year-old mother-in-law and an excitable puppy who insist they come along if he's going anywhere interesting - like a stakeout.
"A Year in Provence with Miss Marple and Gerald Durrell."